Tuesday, April 5, 2011

HAPI and its upcoming events :-)

The Homeschool Association of the Philippine Islands (HAPI), which was formally launched last year during the 3rd Philippine Homeschool Conferenceis a non-profit organization for homeschooling families led by a team of dynamic, creative and committed individuals (including my friends and fellow Catholic moms Martine and Ate Rita of CFA). Currently, HAPI's core group is chaired by Edric Mendoza, Chairman of the Philippines’ first recognized Homeschool provider, The Masters’ Academy (TMA), and the U.S. HSLDA's official representative to the Philippines. 

The letters of HAPI also stand for its objectives:
H – ype
One of HAPI’s main goals is to correct misconceptions on homeschooling and to provide the right information on what it really is. By God's grace, HAPI has so far been able to provide the Department of Education with facts and proof that show that most, if not all, homeschoolers are at least 2 levels higher than the regular students, as far as academic achievement is concerned. Hopefully, this will open DepEd's people's minds to accept homeschooling not just as an alternative learning system, but to consider it just like any other school.

– pproval Seal
HAPI hopes to make its approval seal as a standard seal that will be placed on products and services that are homeschool-friendly. (Incidentally, the Catholic Homeschoolers Summit that we at Pure Passionistas are planning this year already has a HAPI seal! Yehey! Please do pray that it will become a reality this August!) 

P – artnerships & Perks
Being a member of HAPI means you will be entitled to discounts in selected bookstores and other shops, plus additional perks on the field trips you are planning. :-) I really commend the HAPI team for this aspect, since I am all for the frugality and practicality of homeschooling myself! :-)

I - nformation
HAPI aims to provide reliable and helpful information to assist all types homeschooling families, including independent homeschoolers. Yipee! :-) So even if we decide to go with US-based curricula like CHC or Five in A Row we will be able to get useful, relevant info from HAPI. :-)

Other benefits of being HAPI members include DepEd updates on important policies that affect the homeschooling community, information on accreditation procedures, directory of homeschool providers, support groups and services, HAPI calendar of Events, and free downloads.

In line with its goals of promoting homeschooling among Filipino families, HAPI has organized some exciting events for homeschoolers and wannabe homeschoolers and parents who are curious about homeschooling. 

The first leg of this was held on March 26, at McDo Hill in Alabang, and targeted mainly homeschoolers from the South. It was the first among 2 road shows lined up to rally homeschooling families and inform everyone about what HAPI is all about. 

For those who missed this, watch out for the next one scheduled on April 9 at the Medela House. Details below: 
  • Program starts at 10am
  • Registration fee: Php50
  • Scholastic Books will be having a Book Sale! :-)
  • Anybody can sign up for membership. HAPI annual membership fee is Php500 for the principal member and Php250 for the supplementary members.Road show registrants are entitled to FREE MEMBERSHIP valid until December 2011.


This event will feature the homeschoolers’ talents in live performances, artwork exhibits, and more, and will also be an opportunity for book exchanges among homeschoolers. 

Spearheaded by Pure Passionistas
This is the tentative logo :-)
August 13, 2011, 8am-6pm
Program includes Holy Mass, Exhibit, 2 Main Sessions and 1 Workshop, Recitation of the Holy Rosary and Consecration to the Blessed Virgin Mary

October 22, 8am-6pm
Venue: TBA
This provides a venue for equipping and personal interaction among homeschooling families.

Hope to see you around, homeschooling friends and families! :-) Let's continue to pray for one another and promote the benefits of homeschooling to others!

Teachermama Tina writes about

" Jesus Tree 3rd Philippine Homeschool Conference 4th Philippine Homeschool Conference About Teacher Mama Achievements Advantages of Homeschooling Advent Advent Activities Advent Crafts Advent Traditions Advocacies Affirmation All Hallow's Eve All Saints' Day Angels announcements Archangels Arma Dei Articles Arts and Crafts Assumption of Mary Babies Baby Einstein Baby signs Back to School Beginning Homeschool Bible Memory Verse Blessed John Paul II Blessed Mother Teresa Feast Day Blessings Blog Giveaways blog updates Bo Sanchez Books Breastfeeding and Homeschooling Catechism for Kids Catholic Catholic Activities and Crafts Catholic Books Catholic Cartoons Catholic Comics Catholic Education Catholic Feast Days Catholic Filipino Academy Catholic Filipino Homeschooling Catholic Heritage Curricula Catholic Homeschooling Catholic Icing Catholic Lesson Plans for Preschool and Kindergarten Catholic Parenting Catholic Unschooling Catholic Vacation Bible School Celebrations Character 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Forever For Always No Matter What Free Bible Stories Free Children's Online Bibles Free E-books Free Online Books Free Online Comics Free Resources Free Workshops Freebies Frugal Homeschool Ideas funny videos Giveaways God God's Call to Homeschool God's Provision God's Provisions Godly attitudes Grade Levels Gratefulness Guardian Angels Halloween HAPI Heaven Help for Homeschoolers Holidays Holy Days Holy Heroes Holy Week Activities Holy Week Tips and Reflections Homeschool Association of the Philippine Islands Homeschool Benefits homeschool bloggers Homeschool Burnout Homeschool Conference Homeschool Curriculum Homeschool Dads Homeschool Domination Homeschool Events Homeschool Goals Homeschool Help Homeschool High School Homeschool Moms Homeschool of Asia and Pacific Homeschool or Not Homeschool Planning Homeschool Preschool Homeschool Providers in the Philippines Homeschool Resources Homeschool Routine Homeschool Schedules Homeschool Statistics Homeschool Style Homeschool Support 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