Wednesday, April 13, 2011

HAPI Road Show At The Medela House

I wanted to post this earlier but I was caught up with writing and editing jobs, plus I felt really sick over the weekend. Thank GOD though I am feeling better now, and the kids have gotten better too. Thanks to all who prayed for us! :-)

Despite feeling under the weather and my many pending articles (I really should learn more time management skills! Either that or drop off the kids at my parents when I need to work straight hours! hehe), I managed to go to the HAPI Roadshow last Saturday at the Medela House. Teacher Mommy Blessie and her hubby Neil were so kind to let Rysse and I hitch with them (yes, I brought her along, and she was very behaved thank God!). Tim and his Papa had a "boys' morning out" and watched Rio together.

Anyway, I am SO HAPPY that I got to attend the Road Show. Aside from seeing Ate Rita from CFA (I have adopted her as my "unofficial mentor" hahaha!) and my soul sistah Martine, I got to take a tour around the Medela House and learned something new (home education is NOT the same as home study!). I also got to meet Jenn, who had e-mailed me before about homeschooling and breastfeeding (they use CHC! Too bad I didn't tell her I was coming, she had offered to bring some of their materials for me to check out.) Of course, the ride with Mommy Blessie was very refreshing, as we got to chat about our kids, writing, and homeschooling. :-)

As I am rushing this post (have to wash the door mats that Rysse peed on, before she and her Kuya wake up! Yep, it's potty training time in our house!), I will let the pictures speak for me. :-) I'll try to revise this post later on. :-) Happy to be with HAPI! :-)

Scholastic was there too. They had some nice books on sale, too bad I didn't bring any extra cash!

That's Ate Rita and.. umm.. momnesia strikes again! Sorry! Talking to Maricel Cua of Medela Moms (who is also homeschooling her almost 5 year old! How cool is that! We're both pro-breastfeeding and homeschooling moms! They have no formal curriculum yet, but she plans to use Kolbe.)

Martine in action

Icebreaker: Longest list of homeschooling tools. :-) Our group lost, but I got to take home one of the prizes anyway, a copy of Junior magazine. Thanks to Mommy Blessie, who gave me her extra copy (she and hubby Neil were on the same winning team).


HAPI's President (?) Jerry ____ (told ya, it's momnesia again! Haay).

Irma talking about the Homeschoolers Got Talent Fair :-) Coming soon in May!

Bambi.. (I think?! hahaha) talking about HAPI's initial meeting with DepEd

Presentation prepared by Martine :-) Very helpful!

LOVE the study, work and serve approach of CFA! :-)

Rysse sleeping on my lap :-) hehe.

Ate Rita sharing about the benefits of homeschooling to her family: closeness with the kids even until teenage years, strong and solid values for the kids, deep faith in God :-)

Medela's Maricel Cua :-) Fellow pro-breastfeeding, homeschooling, hands-on parenting, mompreneur :-) We're going to plan a Natural Family Planning seminar to be held at Medela House soon! :-) Yehey!
Here are some pics of the Medela House, taken when Maricel gave me a brief tour. I LOVE IT! :-) Hope to visit again soon. :-) Wish I could come up with a House like this, where we could have seminars and products related to our own advocacies. :-)

Informative picture of the Anatomy of The Lactating Breast

I love this altar that greets you when you walk inside Medela House! :-)


Diaper bags and educational toys on display

Yaya scrubs and nursing wear 

More nursing wear

Breastfeeding pillows and more mommy-friendly bags

Cycles and Cradle products and cute onesies

Medela products on display. The room where they are located is also the demo room, where moms can try the products.

A variety of mompreneur products - slings, pouches, prenatal education system, memory keepers, malunggay products, By Nature soaps, etc etc

And of course, Mommy Treats! :-) (Incidentally, I sell these too!)
If you want to visit the Medela House, feel free to get in touch with Medela Moms:
MedelaMoms, Inc. – Ms. Maricel Cua and Ms. Beng Feliciano
Medela House:  29 1st Street, New Manila, Quezon City (near corner of Gilmore Ave.)
Tel. Nos.: (632) 725-3723; (632) 738-6272

Mobile No.:  +63917-5614366
Email: or

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